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Creating an OpenVINO Object Detector Capsule


This tutorial will guide you through encapsulating an OpenVINO object detector model. For this tutorial, we will be using the person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-1016 model from the Open Model Zoo, but the concepts shown here will work for all OpenVINO object detectors. You can find the complete capsule on the Capsule Zoo.

See the previous tutorial for information on setting up a development environment.

Getting Started

We will start by creating a directory where all our capsule code and model files will reside. By convention, capsule names start with a small description of the role the capsule plays, followed by the kinds of objects they operate on, and finally some kind of differentiating information about the capsule's intended use or implementation. We will name this capsule detector_person_vehicle_bike_openvino and create a directory with that name.

Then, we will add a meta.conf file, which will let the application loading the capsule know what version of the OpenVisionCapsules API this capsule requires. OpenVINO support was significantly improved in version 0.2.x, so we will require at least that minor version of the API:

api_compatibility_version = 0.3

We will also add the weights and model files into this directory so they can be loaded by the capsule. After these steps, your data directory should look like this:

├── volumes
└── capsules
    └── detector_person_vehicle_bike_openvino
        ├── person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-1016-fp32.bin
        ├── person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-1016-fp32.xml
        └── meta.conf

The Capsule Class

Next, we will define the Capsule class. This class provides the application with information about your capsule. The class must be named Capsule and the file it is defined in must be named We will create that file in the capsule directory with the following contents:

from vcap import (
from .backend import Backend

class Capsule(BaseCapsule):
    name = "detector_person_vehicle_bike_openvino"
    description = ("OpenVINO person, vehicle, and bike detector. Optimized "
                   "for surveillance camera scenarios.")
    version = 1
    device_mapper = DeviceMapper.map_to_openvino_devices()
    input_type = NodeDescription(size=NodeDescription.Size.NONE)
    output_type = NodeDescription(
       detections=["vehicle", "person", "bike"])
    backend_loader = lambda capsule_files, device: Backend(
    options = common_detector_options

In this file, we have defined a Capsule class that subclasses from BaseCapsule and defines some fields. The name field reflects the name of the capsule directory and the description field is a short, human-readable description of the capsule's purpose. The other fields are a bit more complex, so let's break each one down.

version = 1

This is the capsule's version (not to be confused with the version of the OpenVisionCapsules API defined in the meta.conf). Since this is the first version of our capsule, we'll start it at 1. The version field can be used as a way to distinguish between different revisions of the same capsule. This field has no semantic meaning to BrainFrame and can be incremented as the capsule developer sees fit. Some developers may choose to increment it with every iteration; others only when significant changes have occurred.

device_mapper = DeviceMapper.map_to_openvino_devices()

This device mapper will map our backends to any available OpenVINO-compatible devices, like the Intel Neural Compute Stick 2 or the CPU.

input_type = NodeDescription(size=NodeDescription.Size.NONE)

This detector capsule requires no output from any other capsules in order to run. All it needs is the video frame.

output_type = NodeDescription(
    detections=["vehicle", "person", "bike"])

This detector provides "vehicle", "person", and "bike" detections as output and is expected to detect all vehicles, people, and bikes in the video frame.

backend_loader = lambda capsule_files, device: Backend(

Here we define a lambda function that creates an instance of a Backend class with the model and weights files, as well as the device this backend will run on. We will define this Backend class in the next section.

options = common_detector_options

We give this capsule some basic options that are common among most detector capsules.

With this new file added, your capsule directory should look like this:

├── volumes
└── capsules
    └── detector_person_vehicle_bike_openvino
        ├── person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-1016-fp32.bin
        ├── person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-1016-fp32.xml
        └── meta.conf

The Backend Class

Finally, we will define the Backend class. This class defines how the capsule runs analysis on video frames. An instance of this class will be created for every device the capsule runs on. The Backend class doesn't have to be defined in any specific location, but we will add it to a new file called with the following contents:

from typing import Dict

import numpy as np

from vcap import (
from vcap_utils import BaseOpenVINOBackend

class Backend(BaseOpenVINOBackend):
   label_map: Dict[int, str] = {1: "vehicle", 2: "person", 3: "bike"}

   def process_frame(self, frame: np.ndarray,
                     detection_node: DETECTION_NODE_TYPE,
                     options: Dict[str, OPTION_TYPE],
                     state: BaseStreamState) -> DETECTION_NODE_TYPE:
       input_dict, resize = self.prepare_inputs(frame)
       prediction = self.send_to_batch(input_dict).result()
       detections = self.parse_detection_results(
           prediction, resize, self.label_map,
       return detections

Our Backend class subclasses from BaseOpenVINOBackend. This backend handles loading the model into memory from the given files, implements batching, and provides utility methods that make writing OpenVINO backends easy. All we need to do is define the process_frame method. Let's take a look at each call in the method body.

input_dict, resize = self.prepare_inputs(frame)

This line prepares the given video frame to be fed into the model. The video frame is resized to fit in the model and formatted in the way the model expects. Also provided is a resize object, which contains the necessary information to map the resulting detections to the coordinate system of the originally sized video frame.

This method assumes that your OpenVINO model expects images in the format (num_channels, height, width) and expects the frame to be in a dict with the key being the network's input name. Ensure that your model follows this convention before using this method.

prediction = self.send_to_batch(input_dict).result()

Next, the input data is sent into the model for batch processing. The call to get causes the backend to block until the result is ready. The results are objects with raw OpenVINO prediction information.

detections = self.parse_detection_results(
    prediction, resize, self.label_map,
return detections

Finally, the results go through post-processing. Detections with a low confidence are filtered out, raw class IDs are converted to human-readable class names, and the results are scaled up to fit the size of the original video frame.

Wrapping Up

With the meta.conf, Capsule class, Backend class, and model files, the capsule is now complete! Your data directory should look something like this:

├── volumes
└── capsules
    └── detector_person_vehicle_bike_openvino
        ├── person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-1016-fp32.bin
        ├── person-vehicle-bike-detection-crossroad-1016-fp32.xml
        └── meta.conf

When you restart BrainFrame, your capsule will be packaged into a .cap file and initialized. You'll see its information on the BrainFrame client.

Load up a video stream to see detection results.